I am an archaeologist interested in prehistoric hunter-gatherer adaptations, specifically in how these are related to processes of climate and environmental change. I focus on the study of lithic technological organization and its correlation with various aspects of ecological dynamics and human behavior. I currently direct fieldwork in several sites within the context of my ERC Consolidator Grant - FINISTERRA: Population trajectories and cultural dynamics of the late Neanderthals in Far Western Eurasia. I am also a collaborator in different projects on the Middle and Later Stone Age in Mozambique and Sudan. Currently I am also the Director of ICArEHB, a research center for Archaeology at the University of Algarve.


  • Prehistoric Hunter-gatherer adaptations
  • Stone tool technology
  • Computer applications in archaeological practice


  • Habilitation in Archaeology, 2024

    Universidade do Algarve

  • PhD in Archaeology, 2013

    Universidade do Algarve

  • MA in Archaeology, 2009

    Universidade do Algarve

  • Licenciatura in Cutural Heritage, 2007

    Universidade do Algarve
